Christian Wisdom Meets Modernity
University of Notre Dame, Dec. 12-14, 2013
This conference will present the great wrestling match between Christian thinkers and modernity. Most of the speakers will perform their lectures in the guise of a heroic Christian thinker. Together they will form a constellation of witnesses who illuminate the contest between modernism and Christian wisdom. The cast of luminous stars includes Josef Pieper, Romano Guardini, Karl Barth, Blaise Pascal, John Paul II and Hans Urs von Balthasar. They will show how Christian thought illuminates modernity and lights the way through it. Key modern thinkers such as Martin Heidegger, Charles Darwin and Hans Jonas will be highlighted. Our speakers will discuss whether Christian philosophy has anything to teach us today, and what are the core constituents of conversion. The audience can expect to discover the basic elements of modern thinking, and how Christian wisdom has creatively engaged with them.
This conference will present the great wrestling match between Christian thinkers and modernity. Most of the speakers will perform their lectures in the guise of a heroic Christian thinker. Together they will form a constellation of witnesses who illuminate the contest between modernism and Christian wisdom.
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