
Søren Kierkegaard Exhibition

Dear Philosophy enthusiast,

My name is Tina Sørensen, I work for the Danish Cultural Institute in Edinburgh and I am getting in touch again to ensure you received the email below, just before the summer break.

This year we are celebrating 200 years since the Danish philosopher, theologian, poet, religious author and social critic, Søren Kierkegaard’s birth, Sunday, 5th May 1813.

The Danish Cultural Institute, Copenhagen has produced a poster exhibition to enlighten and spread the knowledge of Kierkegaard, both in Denmark and abroad.

The exhibition consists of 16 large colourful posters, incorporating some of  Kierkegaard’s work and an insight in his life. It includes biographical information, his views on Christian ethics and Kierkegaard as a psychologist in an era where modern psychology had only just taken the first steps.

Text by Joakim Garff, ph.d. professor at the Søren Kierkegaard Research Centre, co-editor of Søren Kierkegaard’s writings and chairman of Søren Kierkegaard Company from 1992 to 1999 and graphics by Kvorning Design & KommunikationKorvning Design & Communication.

Our aim is to share this exhibition with anyone who would be interested, and has the space to hang these posters (size 70×160 cm, please see PDF version). It will be available from now on and there will be no costs involved.

Please get in touch, if this is of interest.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Tina Sørensen
Project Coordinator

Download the PDF Posters here



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