
Faith, The Fundamental Act of Christian Existence

Faith, The Fundamental Act of Christian Existence

On November 15-16, 2013, the Washington, D.C. session of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family will sponsor a conference, “Faith, the Fundamental Act of Christian Existence.” With this conference the Institute wishes to contribute to the reflection on the nature of faith called for by Benedict XVI (Porta Fidei, no. 8).

Our hope is to deepen the unity that binds the content of faith in Christ with the act by which we choose to entrust ourselves freely and fully to the Triune God. In light of the wealth of the Church’s tradition, we would like to pursue this reflection bearing in mind that our contemporary culture treasures science as its epistemological paradigm and fosters a division between the human person and his belonging to the Church, on the one hand, and between the truths that constitute Christian faith and the way the Christian orders his or her existence, on the other hand. The conference will thus address issues such as: believing, seeing, and knowing the mystery of God according to Scriptures; faith, the fulfillment of reason; the ecclesial dimension of faith; the historical dimension of faith; and witnessing to faith through the family.

Registration for the conference is now open, and we hope that you will be able to join us for this important occasion. Registration forms and the full conference schedule are available on the Institute’s website.



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