
Blue Labour Midlands Seminar

Blue Labour Midlands Seminar – 5 July 2013
Towards the Post-Liberal Future

In association with the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, University of Nottingham
5 July 2013, 9.30am to 17.00pm
Seminar Room A3, New Humanities Building, University of Nottingham

‘Ever since the Thatcher era, British politics has been defined by forms of economic and social liberalism. The right won the argument for the former and the left the argument for the latter, or so it is said. Yet in the post-crash era, this ideological settlement is beginning to fracture. The right is re-examining its crude economic liberalism and the left its social liberalism. This shift is characterised neither by a revival of socialist economics, nor by one of reactionary conservatism. Rather, it is defined by a mutual recognition that liberalism, at least in some of its guises, does not provide all the answers to Britain’s most entrenched problems: its imbalanced economy, its atomised society, its lack of common identity.’ — New Statesman, 29 March 2013

The ‘Blue Labour Midlands Seminar’ takes place at the University of Nottingham on 5 July 2013.

The aim of this seminar is to gather Blue Labour thinkers, supporters and activists to explore and discuss substantive and emerging Blue Labour themes. The aim is to deepen, enrich and expand upon the themes that constitute the emerging Blue Labour narrative.
Professor John Milbank will give the opening address and Lord Glasman will close the conference. Our panel discussions will cover a broad and critical range of concerns such as welfare, One Nation Labour, election strategy and the contribution of Catholic Social Teaching.

Speakers include:

  • David Goodhart (Demos)
  • Dr Anna Rowlands (Kings College London)
  • Francis Davis (Founder of the Cathedral Innovation Centre)
  • Canon Paul Hackwood (Church Urban Fund)
  • James Mumford (CSJ)
  • Dan Leighton
  • Dr Jon Wilson (Historian, Kings College London)
  • Adrian Pabst, (University of Kent).

We would be delighted to know if you are interested in attending this event. The cost for the day is £10 for those on a full-time wage and £5 for those who are unemployed or in full-time education.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Professor John Milbank
Professor Adrian Pabst
Richard Robinson
Ian Geary

For more information contact Ian Geary by email on



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