
Colloquium: Ecumenical Readings of Aquinas

AquinasEcumenicalReadingsEcumenical readings of Aquinas

Thursday 13 June 2013, 10:00 am—6 pm
Seminar room B, Department of theology, Durham

Anglican, Protestant And other Contemporary Theological Engagements with Aquinas

With Presentations by:

Revd Dr Andrew Davison (Cambridge)
‘What might an Anglican make of Thomas Aquinas – and what might Thomas Aquinas make of an Anglican?’

Dr Christopher Insole (Durham)
‘Divine Self-Sufficiency and Delight: Kant’s Thomistic Doctrine of Creation’

Dr Marcus Plested (Cambridge)
‘Orthodox Readings of Aquinas’

Prof Lewis Ayres (Durham)
‘Paleo-Thomism and the Demands of Tradition’

Please RSVP by 9 June 2013 to no charge for attendance.

For questions and more information contact

This colloquium brings together scholars and postgraduate students to discuss the reception and reading of Aquinas in various ecclesial, theological and philosophical traditions and how these readings may aid in ecumenical dialogues.

Please download and distribute the flyer: Aquinas Colloquium Poster [PDF]



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  1. […] The department of theology at Durham University is hosting a one-day colloquium (13 June) on Ecumenical Readings of Aquinas. It will include presentations by Andrew Davison, Christopher Insole, Marcus Plested and Lewis Ayres. Details here. […]

    Posted by Two conferences to note | | June 5, 2013, 3:19 am | |