Notable Books

Notable: Modern Theology: A Critical Introduction

This book offers a fresh and up-to-date introduction to modern Christian theology. The ‘long nineteenth century’ saw enormous transformations of theology, and of thought about religion, that shaped the way both Christianity and ‘religion’ are understood today. Muers and Higton provide a lucid guide to the development of theology since 1789, giving students a critical understanding of their own ‘modern’ assumptions, of the origins of the debates and the fields of study in which they are involved, and of major modern thinkers.

Modern Theology:

  • introduces the context and work of a selection of major nineteenth-century thinkers who decisively affected the shape of modern theology
  • presents key debates and issues that have their roots in the nineteenth century but are also central to the study of twentieth- and twenty-first-century theology
  • includes exercises and study materials that explicitly focus on the development of core academic skills.

This valuable resource also contains a glossary, timeline, annotated bibliographies and illustrations.


1. Introduction – What is Modernity?
2. Historical Introduction – Approaching the Revolution
Section A: Key Thinkers

Section Introduction
3. Immanuel Kant
4. Friedrich Schleiermacher
5. G.W.F. Hegel
6. Søren Kierkegaard
7. Friedrich Nietzsche
8. Charles Hodge and Horace Bushnell
9. Nineteenth-Century Voices
Section B: Key Themes

Section Introduction
10. Reading the Bible
11. Religion and Science
12. Reclaiming Christian Tradition
13. Confronting Evil
14. Feminism and Theology
15. Liberating Theology
16. Christianity Among the Religions
17. Becoming Postmodern.

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