Colin Gunton Lecture and Study Day
The second in an annual series of public lectures dedicated to the memory and work of Colin Gunton. Colin held the Chair of Christian Doctrine at King’s for many years and deeply shaped its theology.The present department wants to recognise Colin’s immense contribution nationally and internationally.
Our second distinguished lecturer will be:
Professor Christoph Schwöbel
(Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of Institute for Hermeneutics and Dialogue of Cultures, University of Tübingen, Germany)
There will also be a presentation from:
Dr Susannah Ticciati
(Lecturer in Systematic Theology, KCL)
And a selection of short papers from KCL Research Students
19th September 2012
To register, please send the completed registration form to:
Mr Jacob Phillips
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
King’s College London
Room 4E, Chesham Building
Strand Campus
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