CFP: 4th International Conference on Peace and Reconciliation

Call for papers

4th International Conference on Peace and Reconciliation (ICPR)

Mediating Peace: Reconciliation through Art, Music and Film

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

6–9 November 2012

Call for workshop/seminar papers

This is the fourth ICPR conference which, building on the previous three conferences, will examine how visual art, music and film, can play a complementary role to that of governments and policy-makers in assisting people to actively engage in processes of reconciliation and peace-building.

The use of art, music and film is a growing area of interest to academics, practitioners and professionals working in the area of conflict resolution and peace-building. There is a new recognition that using these media can provide a creative and spiritual space for the individual to express what they have experienced or witnessed which otherwise they cannot articulate through the spoken word. Until this process of articulation has taken place then often the ability to re-build the present and future for themselves, their families and communities is often minimal, and sometimes non-existent. Continuing to keep memories of hatred, anger, fear and suspicion ‘unspoken’ is not only unhealthy for the individuals concerned but mitigates against any attempt at a dialogue of reconciliation with the perpetrators and bystanders. Visual art, music and film can help victims regain their own sense of worth, dignity, identity and purpose as well as repairing the breakdown of social trust within and between people.

Theoretically it seems plausible that using art, music and film can assist in the transformation of attitudes and actions to promote and build more just and peaceful societies, but empirically it appears more difficult to assess this. The numerous projects throughout the world where art, music and film are used as components of peace-building demonstrate that there is a growing need to develop interdisciplinary work in this area.

This Conference invites participants to consider what role the arts can play in helping contemporary humankind understand that there is an alternative way of being and living in the world which strives to assert the quest for peace and justice over the values and activities which divide, dehumanise and destroy.

Key note speakers include:

  • Professor Jeremy Begbie, Thomas A. Lanford Research Professor of Theology, Duke Divinity School,  Duke University, USA
  • Professor Steven Kaplan, Academic Director of the Harry S. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  • Pastor  James Movel Wuye and Imam Muhammad Ashafa, Codirectors of the Interfaith Mediation Center of the Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Kaduna, Nigeria
  • Cynthia CohenDirector of the Program in Peacebuilding and the Arts, International Centre for Ethics, Justice and Public Life, Brandeis University, USA
  • Dr Jyoti Sahi, Founder, Jyoti Art Ashram, Bangalore, India

We are particularly interested to explore this topic through the lens of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and aim to bring together a wide range of people who can contribute to the theoretical, professional and practical discussions and debates on this very important topic. The participants can be artists, musicians, film-makers, critics, theologians, scholars of religious studies, religious leaders, peace activists or policy makers. Along with the three particular areas of concern for this conference, there are also three other topics to which participants are invited to make contributions. The full list is as follows:

1.      Utilising visual art in peace-building, expressing conflict situations, and demonstrating community life in conflicts

2.      Facilitating of music or musical activities in order to bring about peace and reconciliation

3.      Making  films available to convey realities of conflicts and new approaches to peace and reconciliation

4.      Political, religious, educational or social approaches for peace-building in the Arab-Israeli conflict

5.      Conflicts in the Korean peninsula and peace-building in East Asia from political, economic, religious and social perspectives

6.      Case studies of activities and theories for peace-making drawn from other conflict situations around the world

If you would like to present a paper please e-mail the title of your paper and a 200-250 word abstract by 1st July 2012 to: Suzanne Parkes, ICPR Conference Administrator:

Conference organisers:

Professor Sebastian Kim, Professor Pauline Kollontai and Dr Sue Yore
Faculty of Education & Theology
York St John University
Lord Mayor’s Walk
YO31 7EX

Conference website:

Conference administrator: Suzanne Parkes



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