Call for Submissions: The Arthur Peakocke Student Essay Prize

Science and Religion Forum

The Arthur Peacocke Student Essay Prize

Call for Submissions:

‘The Soul: Can the concept of the soul still have meaning?

In memory of its founding President and former Chairman, the Revd Dr Arthur Peacocke, the Science and Religion Forum offers a prize for an essay directly relevant to the theme of its annual conference. This year’s conference (6th-8th September 2012 at Regent’s Park College, Oxford) is themed ‘The Soul: Can the concept of the soul still have meaning?’ For further details, see the Forum’s website:

The prize is open to all undergraduate and post-graduate students in full or part-time education. The prize will consist of a cash award of £100, free membership of the Forum for one year, and the UK travel and accommodation costs (or equivalent of) of the winner’s participation in the Forum’s 2012 conference. Subject to the decision of the panel, the winning essay will be published in the Forum’s journal (Reviews in Science and Religion) and the winner will have the opportunity to present the paper at the annual conference.

The essay should not exceed 5000 words in length, including footnotes but excluding references. It should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 250 words, and should be submitted as an email attachment in Microsoft Word format, no later than 31st July 2012 to Dr Louise Hickman: Dr Hickman will answer any questions about the prize. All submissions will be acknowledged within 1 week of receipt.

The essay should be the original work of the applicant – unacknowledged quotation from the work of others will automatically disqualify the entry. Copyright in the essay will remain with the author. Each submission should be accompanied by a statement from the author’s Supervisor or Head of Department, confirming the author’s student status and indicating awareness that the essay has been submitted. The adjudicators reserve the right not to award the Prize if no entry of sufficient standard is received. Their decision will be final, and no correspondence about it will be entered into.

You may download the flyer here [PDF].



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