
SCPT Conference: Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity

We are excited about our upcoming conference next month at Loyola Marymount University and hope you will join us. The full program can be found at:

For more information, see below. Note that March 26 is the last day to get the pre-registration price of $75 for the conference, the special rate of $89 at the conference hotel, and a place at the banquet ($60) on Saturday night. 

Creation, Creatureliness, and Creativity: The Human Place in the Natural World

April 20-22, 2012
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles

SCPT’s 2012 conference takes today’s ecological crises as its point of departure. We invite theological and philosophical contributions informed by continental traditions such as phenomenology, hermeneutics, eco-feminism, post-structuralism, post-colonial studies, deconstruction, and social and deep ecology that help us understand and implement a sustainable future together. Authors may submit papers that address ecological issues head on, as well as those that tackle philosophical and theological themes that underlie these issues.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Bruce Foltz (Eckerd College)
  • Janet Martin Soskice (Cambridge University)
  • Norman Wirzba (Duke Divinity School)

The Custom Hotel
8639 Lincoln Boulevard
Los Angeles CA, 90045
310-645-0400 (or 877-287-8601 for registration)

A block of rooms has been reserved until March 26, 2012 for SCPT conference attendees. All rooms are non-smoking unless otherwise requested. When booking reservations, inform the booking agent that you are attending the SCPT Conference at Loyola Marymount University. The conference rate is $89 per night for single king bed. When you register tell the employee that you are with the SCPT conference at LMU.

Registration fees include conference materials and catered reception on Friday evening (nonrefundable).

  • Pre-Registration: $75 must be received by March 26, 2012
  • Registration: $95 after March 26, 2012
  • Banquet (optional): $60 must be received by March 26, 2012

The registration and banquet form is available for print-out below.

Conference Location, Directions, and MapsConference registration and all presentations will be held in the William H. Hannon Library, in the Von der Ahe Suite and in rooms 117 and 118.

For detailed directions and maps, visit

The walk from the Custom Hotel to the Hannon Library is pleasant, once you leave the major thoroughfares of Lincoln and/or Manchester, and will take about 20 minutes at a comfortable pace.

Flight InformationThe Los Angeles area is served by a number of airports, but the best option, by far, is to fly into Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). LAX is a short ride, perhaps 7-10 minutes, from both the conference hotel and from Loyola Marymount University. The Custom Hotel operates a free shuttle service to and from LAX between the hours of 5:00am and 2:00am. To use the shuttle service, call the hotel upon arriving(310-645-0400) to arrange for pick up. Returning to the airport, shuttles leave the Custom every 30 minutes. Taxi service from the airport to the hotel will cost approximately $20.

Car RentalsCar rental services are available at Los Angeles International Airport for those who wish to secure an automobile. Los Angeles is, generally speaking, a car-oriented city and trips further afield would be facilitated by a rental car. However, a car is not necessary for conference activities. The Hannon Library is about one mile from the conference hotel and can be reached on foot in 20 minutes. Several restaurants are very near the hotel and taxis, as well as bus service, are available for those who wish to get to the restaurants in nearby Marina del Rey, Venice, and Santa Monica.

Contact InformationIf you encounter any problems with registration, accommodations, and so on, please contact us and we will work to help you.

Brian Treanor
Philosophy Department
Loyola Marymount University




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