Abstract paper proposals to the relevant convener (check on website) by 15 December 2011; response will be given by 15 February 2012
Theme: Rethinking Humanism
Type: International Conference
Institution: Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies and
Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, University of St Andrews
Location: St Andrews, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Date: 28.6.–1.7.2012
Deadline: 15.12.2011
The aim of the conference is to problematize the representation of human values, identities and behaviours in literature, film and other cultural products, from Antiquity to the present day. We call for theoretical accounts of the origins and vicissitudes of an aspiration for a universal discourse as well as critical readings of its variegated realisations in texts across European languages and periods. We also seek textual and theoretical investigations into current ideas about being human, so we summon specialists in eco-criticism, post-human aesthetics and cyborg literature as well as anthropologists, philosophers, theologians and psychologists, on problems such as self-knowledge, cultural and national identity, human nature, moral universalism and relativism, and the longevity or precarious status of values such as community, hospitality, dignity, modesty and conversation. An ultimate achievement of this interdisciplinary gathering may well turn out to be catching a glimpse of a revived, more self-conscious, more sensitive and more durable New Humanism.
Abstract paper proposals to the relevant convener by 15 December
2011; response will be given by 15 February 2012
Keynote speakers:
Martha Nussbaum
Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the
University of Chicago
Terry Eagleton
Distinguished Professor in English Literature at the Department of
English & Creative Writing at Lancaster University
Dr Gustavo San Román, Director
Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies
Email: gfsr@st-andrews.ac.uk
Professor Nigel Rapport, Director
Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies, Department of Social Anthropology
Email: njr2@st-andrews.ac.uk
Conference website:
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