Two Call for Papers: Transgression and the Sacred; The Return of Metaphysics

Below are two Call for Papers that may be of interest:

Transgression and the Sacred

An International Philosophy and Literature Conference, University College Dublin, 22-23 February 2011.

Plenary speakers for this conference: Professor Richard Kearney (Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College), Professor Fred Botting (Professor of English Literature and Creative Writing, Kingston University London), and Professor Sean Hand (Professor of French and Head of the Department of French Studies at the University of Warwick).

This conference will consider the relationship between transgression and the sacred from a broad historical perspective in philosophy, literature and literary theory.

We welcome papers from established academics, postgraduate students and independent scholars.

“The sacred world depends on limited acts of transgression” (Georges Bataille, Eroticism)

Transgression refers to a crossing over, the exceeding of bounds or limits, the infringement or violation of a law or convention.  For Bataille, it is through acts of transgression that we experience the sacred.  The profane world is the world of the taboo, while the subject of a taboo, that which the taboo prohibits, is sacred.   Yet, transgression does not deny or destroy the taboo; it exceeds the taboo but also completes it.

In our post-enlightenment age transgression and the limit have replaced the older dichotomy of the sacred and the profane.  If transgression and the sacred depend on limits what are the limits that still exist in the modern world?  If we live in a largely limitless world has the sacred now disappeared?

Or, do we now in fact now live in a post-secular world?  How has the sacred been reorganised or reconstituted in modern philosophical and literary discourse?  How might transgression be important in rediscovering the sacred, as Foucault declares in his ‘Preface to Transgression’, “In that zone which our culture affords for our gestures and speech, transgression prescribes not only the sole manner of discovering the sacred in its unmediated substance, but also a way of recomposing its empty form, its absence”.

Bataille’s ideas on transgression and the sacred derive largely from the anthropology of religion.  The word ‘sacred’ derives from the Latin sacer, meaning to set apart.  The sacred is separated from the profane by a taboo or limit.  Therefore we want to examine the importance of liminality, the scapegoat, sacrifice, pollution, and sacred transgressors such as Hermes and Trickster in the history of philosophy and literature.

We would also like to consider theological conceptions of the sacred.  Bataille’s conception of the sacred is anti-Christian and denies any form of transcendence or salvation; Christianity is the least religious of all religions for him as it denies the impure aspect of the sacred – eroticism, excess, excretion, horror, death.  But what is the relationship between transgression and the sacred in Christianity and the major religions and how is this relationship represented in philosophy and literature?  Rudolph Otto refers to the numinous in which the Other, the wholly other or the transcendent,  appears as a mysterium tremendum et fascinans – that is, a mystery before which man both trembles and is fascinated, is both repelled and attracted.  How might such a deification and demonising of the Other be problematised in philosophy and literature?

We welcome papers that engage exclusively with philosophy or exclusively with literature and literary theory, or papers that combine the two disciplines – the literary analysis of philosophy or the use of philosophy as a theoretical framework for the analysis of literary texts.

Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • The scapegoat
  • Eroticism
  • Violence and the sacred
  • Sin
  • Gothic and horror fiction
  • Shamans and tricksters as sacred transgressors
  • Liminality – border-crossing, the sacred and the spatial conditioning of transgression
  • The stranger / the Other
  • Wild men, sacred savages and holy fools
  • Derrida and messianicity
  • Lyotard’s The Confessions of Augustine
  • The Carnivalesque
  • Hallucinogens, altered states of consciousness and sacred visions
  • Blasphemy and censorship
  • Gender studies and Queer theory
  • The writings of The Marquis de Sade, Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot, Michel Foucault
  • Transgressive Literature and genre
  • Levinas on the sacred and the holy
  • Transgressing form and textual boundaries, transgressing sacred texts
  • Postcolonialism
  • Modernism / postmodernism

Please send a 300 word abstract for a 20 min paper and 50 word biography to and before Friday, 17 December 2010  Be sure to include the following information in the email: full name, university and departmental affiliation, and the title of your paper. Accepted authors will receive notification no later than Friday, 7 January, 2011.


Second call for Papers:

Villanova University
16th Annual Conference in Philosophy

“The Return of Metaphysics”
April 8-9, 2011

Keynote Speaker: Graham Harman
Department of Philosophy, American University in Cairo

The “end of metaphysics” is a perennial theme in contemporary Continental philosophy, which has taken many forms, including the critiques of onto-theology, the metaphysics of presence, and (phallo)logocentrism, with consequent emphases on philosophical practices such as textual interpretation, cultural criticism, and socio-political interventionism. Recently, however, a “return to metaphysics” has been initiated by movements such as speculative realism, object-oriented ontology, actor-network theory, non-philosophy, and others who re-affirm the possibility and even necessity of (speculative) metaphysical thought.

We invite critical papers on the status of metaphysics in contemporary philosophy (for example, concerning the possibility of its “end” or “return”), including its relationship to its precursors in the philosophical tradition, mathematics, the contemporary natural sciences, ecological thought, and literature.

Submission Guidelines:

We encourage submissions from faculty and graduate students of abstracts (300-500 words) or papers (3,000 to 4,000 words).  Please format these for blind review—personal information, such as name, institutional affiliation, and contact information, should be either in the body of your email or on a page separate from the rest of your paper, and not in the paper itself.



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