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Crisis and Recovery, from Rowan Williams & Larry Elliott

Just released is Crisis and Recovery: Ethics, Economics, and Justice, by Rowan Williams and Larry Elliott (Palgrave Macmillan [30 Sep 2010]). [Purchase UK | Purchase US].

From the book description: ‘During the ongoing global financial crisis, a lack of moral and ethical leadership in society has been exposed. The Most Reverend Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury and Larry Elliott, The Guardian, bring together their thoughts on the issues of ethics and morality in business, with contributions from leading business figures.’


‘The future of humankind in an interconnected and globalized world will be based on the notion of togetherness. This notion is at the base of any recovery and this book provides the principles for how this can be achieved.’ — Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

‘An excellent, very readable book for the layman that is immensely interesting and encouraging for anyone who has a nagging sense that the current economic crisis might also be a profound opportunity for change — and the possibility of a fairer, more equal and eventually, longer-lasting planet.’ —Richard Curtis, writer, director, and co-founder of Comic Relief

‘Two of the most powerful forces in our world are religion and money. This book brings them together in ways that are both well-informed and ethically and politically sensitive. The result will be of interest to any religious or secular citizen concerned about the wise shaping of twenty-first century society.’ — David F. Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge, and Director of the Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme

‘Suddenly, theological and ethical approaches to economics are no longer marginal, but central to the most penetrating analyses of the current crisis. This book shows why. It also shows how thinkers from both left and right are converging on the view that we can only correct market injustice by establishing an ethical market that is more integrally related to cultural values, political purposes and environmental flourishing. Such a market, it is suggested, would be more egalitarian, and yet more genuinely free and less subject to cyclical instability than the one which we have at present. Everyone interested in a different global future should read these fine essays with care.’ — John Milbank, Research Professor in Religion, Politics and Ethics and Director of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy, University of Nottingham

Also, a video from Archbishop Rowan Williams may be found here or by clicking on the image on the right.



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