
New website, new features

As you can see, the Centre of Theology and Philosophy’s website has gone through a design overhaul.  We are now happily on WordPress, so please update your RSS news feeds to this link.

Amongst the updates for the site include:

  • A revamped and much more comprehensive publications page.  There are now nearly 200 publications added which represent the work of the staff, fellows, and members of the Centre of Theology and Philosophy.  This also includes books that are a part of the Interventions, Illuminations, New Slant, Radical Orthodoxy, and Veritas series of books.
  • An updated fellows & members page that now includes a sign-up form for those who would like to join the Centre of Theology and Philosophy.
  • The ability to submit your own news story to the Centre.  There is only so much work out there that we are aware of ourselves, so it would help us if you know of work that would be of interest to the Centre to submit it and we’ll consider adding it to our news blog.
  • Lastly, the news feed will act both as a source of CoTP news as well as soon a platform for blogging.  More on that to come…


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  1. […] like it was before), and I’ve added some new functionality here and there.  There’s a new post with details, and if you had previously subscribed to the site’s RSS feed, that has now been […]

    Posted by Life’s Paradox » New CoTP site: redesign & functionality: | November 17, 2009, 12:35 pm | |