Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books: A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, edited by Steven E. Knepper Purchase: Cascade / Amazon Description: The Irish philosopher William Desmond is one of the most compelling and adventurous Christian thinkers of our time. The essays gathered here undertake a journey through the Bible with Desmond […]
Zechariah Mickel writes: The Phenomenology Booth is a virtual exhibit devoted to the philosophical field of phenomenology. The exhibit features a set of interviews with philosophers and theologians working in phenomenology, as well as a selection of Wipf and Stock’s books in phenomenology. In our final phenomenology booth interview, I sit down for an extended conversation […]
Now available: Wonder Strikes: Approaching Aesthetics and Literature with William Desmond by Steven E. Knepper, with a foreword by William Desmond. Purchase: SUNY | Amazon Description William Desmond argues that philosophy, religion, and art begin in wonder. Desmond is widely recognized for his original metaphysics and his provocative philosophy of religion. Desmond’s extensive writings on […]
Now available in the Veritas series: The End of the Law?: Law, Theology, and Neuroscience, by David W. Opderbeck. Purchase: Wipf & Stock | Amazon Book description: Does neuroscience show that all our ideas about law and ethics are false? David Opderbeck answers this question with a broad and deep survey of the relationship between […]
Newly available in the KALOS series: Anchorhold: Corresponding with Revelations of Divine Love, by Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer (Cascade Books; January 2021; 208pp+). Purchase: Wipf & Stock Book description: This is a book of letters, letters to Julian of Norwich concerning her Revelations of Divine Love. It is an attempt to search for my life by giving […]
Now available in the Veritas series: The Foundations of Nature: Metaphysics of Gift for an Integral Ecological Ethic, by Michael Dominic Taylor, with a foreword by Larry Chapp (Cascade/Wipf & Stock; 282 pp+; December 2020). Purchase: Wipf & Stock | | Book description: Will the ecological crises of our time be resolved using the […]
Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books (Wipf & Stock): Subordinated Ethics: Natural Law and Moral Miscellany in Aquinas and Dostoyevsky, by Caitlin Smith Gilson, with a foreword by Eric Austin Lee. Purchase: Cascade Books | | Book description: With Dostoyevsky’s Idiot and Aquinas’ Dumb Ox as guides, this book seeks to […]
Newly available from Angelico Press, The Meaning of Idealism: The Metaphysics of Genus and Countenance, by Pavel Florensky, translated by Boris Jakim (September 18, 2020; 108 pp+). Purchase: Angelico Press Book description: Pavel Florensky’s treatment of Platonism in the present work is one of the most important studies on this subject ever written. The great […]
Now available in the Veritas series: Hide and Seek: The Sacred Art of Indirect Communication, by Benson P. Fraser. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Book description: As bearers of the divine image, all of us are storytellers and artists. However, few people today believe in truth that is not empirically knowable or verifiable, the sort of […]
Now available in the Veritas series: Exorcising Philosophical Modernity: Cyril O’Regan and Christian Discourse after Modernity, edited by Philip John Paul Gonzales. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock | | ] What should Christian discourse look like after philosophical modernity? In one manner or another the essays in this volume seek to confront and intellectually exorcise […]
Now available from Angelico Press: Can We Believe in People? Human Significance in an Interconnected Cosmos by Stephen R. L. Clark, with a foreword by Catherine Pickstock. [Purchase: Paperback | Cloth] Description: The view that humanity is “in the image and likeness of God” has influenced the past two millennia of European history, and retains […]
Now available from Angelico Press: Philosophy in Word & Name: Myth, Wisdom, Apocalypse, by William C. Hackett. [Purchase: Paperback | Cloth] Description: MYTH. WISDOM. APOCALYPSE. Three words of ancient pedigree offering the seeker a promise: to unlock the door of understanding to the highest and best things—the divine things. Three keys, then, for a “Philosophy in […]
New online publication: Macrina Magazine: Fresh Philosophical Engagements with an Ancient Faith Macrina Magazine is an online Christian philosophical journal that offers readers a platform to explore faith, politics, and culture critically and creatively. We seek to offer a respite for overstimulated yet undernourished minds that are hungry for more substantial reflection than the twenty-four-hour […]
Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property New from Cambridge University Press Edited by: Thomas C. Berg (University of St Thomas, Minnesota) Roman Cholij (St Edmund’s College, Cambridge) Simon Ravenscroft (Magdalene College, Cambridge) This volume brings together a unique collection of legal, religious, ethical, and political perspectives to […]
Now out from Cascade Books, Seven Brief Lessons on Magic, by Paul Tyson. Is magic real? Could anything be real that can’t be quantified or scientifically investigated? Are qualities like love, beauty, and goodness really just about hormones and survival? Are strangely immaterial things, like thought and personhood, fully explainable in scientific terms? Does nature itself […]
Now available from Angelico Press, The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer’s Theological Recovery of the Cosmos, by Keith Lemna. Although the French Oratorian priest Louis Bouyer was one of the most comprehensive, influential, and prescient theologians of the twentieth century, only in recent years have some major European studies begun to uncover the rich treasury […]
Now available in the Veritas series: Cosmology without God?: The Problematic Theology Inherent in Modern Cosmology, by Fr. David Alcalde, with a foreword by Michael Hanby. [Purchase: Wipf & Stock] Is God a superfluous hypothesis for modern cosmology? According to the normal understanding of modern science, the answer should be affirmative because modern science is supposed […]
Now available from Cascade Books, Kierkegaard’s Theological Sociology: Prophetic Fire for the Present Age, by Paul Tyson. Purchase: Cascade | | Kierkegaard developed a distinctive type of sociology in the 1840s—a theological sociology. Looking at society through the lens of analysis categories such as worship, sin, and faith, Kierkegaard developed a profoundly insightful […]
Now out in the Veritas series: Notes on Bergson and Descartes: Philosophy, Christianity, and Modernity in Contestation by Charles Péguy translated by Bruce K. Ward with a foreword by John Milbank Purchase: Wipf & Stock | | Charles Péguy (1873–1914) was a French religious poet, philosophical essayist, publisher, social activist, Dreyfusard, and Catholic […]
Based upon a conference sponsored by the Centre of Theology and Philosophy: A Saint for East and West: Maximus the Confessor’s Contribution to Eastern and Western Christian Theology Edited by Daniel Haynes with an introduction by Andrew Louth, FBA Purchase: | | Wipf & Stock Book description: In 1054 CE, the Great Schism […]
(Sculpture by Sara Cunningham-Bell)