Now available in the Veritas series from Cascade Books:
A Heart of Flesh: William Desmond and the Bible, edited by Steven E. Knepper
“For non-specialists, continental philosophy can be an imposing thing, filled with abstruse thinkers, neologisms, and the latest trendy European name. But this collection should prompt even the most determined avoiders of continental thought to reconsider. Uniformly strong, these essays demonstrate the immense fruitfulness of reading Scripture through William Desmond’s lenses. This book is a breakthrough that left me eager for more and deeply grateful to Desmond and the authors.” —Matthew Levering, chair of theology, Mundelein Seminary
“The fertile depths of William Desmond’s metaxological metaphysics are increasingly being discovered and excavated in rapidly expanding secondary literature, spanning his imposing and demanding corpus. However, Steven Knepper’s volume A Heart of Flesh breaks new ground through tapping the resources and potential of metaxological thinking in relation to biblical texts. Cyril O’Regan’s foreword alone justifies the existence of this volume. And yet there is so much more in this superb collection of essays. Highly recommended.” —Philip John-Paul Gonzales, lecturer in philosophy, St. Patrick’s Pontifical University
“This is a well-wrought collection of reflections, gathered under the well-informed and judicious editorship of Steven Knepper. Its different contributions offer the reader many insights on an impressive range of themes, handled with due consideration and attentive thoughtfulness. I am much taken with its offering of a diversity of surprising illuminations on matters theological and philosophical, both old and new. Very warmly recommended.” —William Desmond, chair in philosophy, Villanova University