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Religions special issue CFP: Literature and Eco-theology

Message from the Guest Editor

Dear Colleagues,

Systematic and philosophical theologians within the Christian tradition are increasingly having recourse to literary texts with which to do creative theological work, while the religious turn in critical and cultural theory has given new impetus to the interdisciplinary field of literature and theology, with increased attention to the religious ideas engaged through literary tropes, genres and modes. While there are a number of journals and books devoted to this intersection, apart from occasional articles or studies of individual writers, little so far has been produced about the manner in which ecological religious thinking is performed and debated in poetry, drama or fiction. This Special Issue is an attempt to explore this neglected area and invites contributions on any aspect of the topic from any period. While the academic field of religion and literature has been primarily concentrated within Christianity, we invite submissions from any religious tradition.

Prof. Alison Milbank
Department of Theology and Religious Studies,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
alison.milbank@nottingham.ac.uk [1]

Deadline for manuscript submissions:
31 May 2021

Download the official CFP here [2] [PDF].

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