Now available, a Festschrift Honouring the 60th Birthday of Dr. Alexei BodrovIrina Yazykova: Theology of Freedom. Religious and Anthropological Foundations of Freedom in a Global Context, edited by Irina Yazykova.
The problem of freedom has been a central theme of Christian theology from the very beginning. The interrelation of internal (e.g. freedom from sin, Jn 8:31-36) and external freedom, often neglected by the church; liberation theology emphasising social sin; freedom of God and man; the ontology of freedom: these and other questions continue to concern many theologians, philosophers, and thinkers. This book contains articles by leading contemporary authors – Jürgen Moltmann, Gerald O’Collins, George Pattison, Innokenty Pavlov, Ivana Noble, Conor Cunningham, Svetlana Konacheva, and others – who reflect on the philosophical and theological foundations of freedom, dignity and human rights, historical and contemporary aspects of the theology of freedom in a global context. This book is a Festschrift honouring the 60th birthday of Dr. Alexei Bodrov, founder and rector of St. Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute. All authors sent their articles specifically for this volume.
Table of contents
Philosophical-Theological Foundations
- Jürgen Moltmann, Dimensions of Human Freedom in the Presence of God
- Gerald O’Collins, The Freedom of Easter Faith
- Paul S. Fiddes, Creation in Freedom and Love
- Ivana Noble, Transfiguration and Freedom in the Theology of Light
- Светлана Коначева, Само-бытие, небытие и свобода: онтология свободы Пауля Тиллиха и постмодерная теология
- George Pattison, Existential Freedom: Sartre or Berdyaev?
- Conor Cunningham, HOMO EX MACHINA: The Nightmare Dreams [1]
- Michael Kirwan, Ecclesiastical Action: Bernd Alois Zimmermann’s Last Words on Evil and Freedom
- Олег Давыдов, Благо и выбор: что первично?
- Pavlo Smytsnyuk, Theology of Freedom: Can a Frightened Church Heal a Frightened World?
- Romilo Knežević, Outside of God: A Theanthropic Scrutiny of Nietzsche’s Concept of Chaos and Berdyaev’s Notion of the Ungrund
- Франсуа Эве, Богословие свободы
- Frederick Lauritzen, The Byzantine Ontology of Freedom from Plotinus (6,8) to Maximus the Confessor (Opusculum 7)
- Giandomenico Boffi, Divine Creation and Freedom of Mathematical Models
- Александр Закуренко, Свобода и точка
Ecumenical and Global Issues
- Dagmar Heller, Baptism and Reconciliation
- Massimo Faggioli, The Sex Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church and the Global Context of Challenges to Religious Freedom
- David A. Hoekema, What Does Freedom Mean in the Ethics of Development?
- Dietrich Werner, Freedom for Diaconia – Social Witness and Christian Care in Church History and in the Ecumenical Movement – Potentials for a German-Russian Diaconia Learning and Exchange Process
- Christian Krieger, Religion Engaging with Liberalism
- Adalberto Mainardi, The Riddle of Freedom. The Task of Theology in a Postmodern Context
Human Dignity and Rights
- Стефано Каприо, Свобода и потребность в истине у Августина и Фомы
- Aristotle Papanikolaou, The Unfreedom of War and the Freedom of Virtue
- Hans Thoolen, Human Rights a Basis for a Peaceful Coexistence of Religions?
- Елена Степанова, Богословие свободы Льва Толстого
- Hans Ulrich Gerber, Freedom, Justice and Faith. Impulses from Three Francophone, Thinkers over Three Centuries
- Edward J. Mahoney, Radical Freedom. Saint Paul and the Modern Autonomous Subject
- Антон Тихомиров, Сложность, слабость, свобода. Политическая проповедь: основные принципы и их применение в российском контексте
- Antoine Fleyfel, Christians of the Middle East and Liberalism
- Hugh Wybrew, Christ Has Set Us Free
- Антуан Аржаковский, Необходима реформа православного богословия
- Augustinos Bairachtaris, Jesus as Liberator: Towards the Spiritual Modification of the Church in Latin America
Past and Present
- Edward Kessler, Religion and the Nation State: Standing at the Crossroads
- Вячеслав Океанский, Жанна Океанская, «Il dit de l’Eglise est tres liberal…»: экклезиологический космизм А.С.Хомякова
- Иннокентий Павлов, «Свидетельство Флавия» об Иисусе. Опыт историко-критического рассмотрения
- Ирина Языкова, Свобода и канон в иконе: есть ли противоречие
Full table of contents also available here [2].
In order to purchase, please write directly to Vladimyr Andreev here: [3].