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CFA & CFP: 7th International Summer School & Conference – Beyond Secular Faith


Call for Applications and Call for Papers

7th International Summer School and Conference – Beyond Secular Faith

“The Whole in the Fragment: Sacramental versus Contractual Logic”
23– 30 June, 2019 – Granada (Spain)

For more information and to register, click here [1].

Organizing Institutions
Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein, Granada
Faculty of Philosophy – The Pontifical University of John Paul II, Krakow
International Center for the Study of the Christian Orient, Granada

With the Collaboration of:
Center of Theology and Philosophy, Nottingham
Editorial Nuevo Inicio, Granada
Institute of Theology Lumen Gentium, Granada
Centre for Thought of John Paul II, Varsovia
Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma
The Ecclesial University Project, Winnipeg (USA)
Saint Joseph’s College, Standish (USA)

International Summer School and Conference

The title of our seventh annual Summer School and International Conference, Beyond Secular Faith is The Whole in the Fragment: Sacramental versus Contractual Logic.

“God is Love”. This wager concerning the nature of God – theological in the deepest sense – is generated, not from an idea, but from the experience of the encounter with Jesus Christ, the primordial “sacrament” of the Father. It entails not only a judgment concerning the nature of God himself but a judgment concerning the nature and meaning of reality and of our embodiment. This Love, of which reality is a sign as Jesus is the sign of the Father, is rightly qualified as semper maior, a fact always greater than our ideas and predeterminations. As such, the sign of love always breaks open our contractual logic. This year’s summer school will be an attempt to think within the horizon of this semper maior, to pose the question of the human as bound up with the Love that is God himself and the world which is the concrete sign of that Love.”

For six years our summer school has facilitated a rich and friendly theological, philosophical and cultural dialogue in freedom, in the unique setting of Granada, a breathtakingly beautiful city that lies at the historic crossroads of modernity and the Christian tradition.

Deadline: 1st April 2019

We invite graduate and PhD students as well as postdoctoral researchers to take part in the International Summer School and Conference
Please send a short CV and a letter of intent to: secretaria@institutoifes.es [2]

If you would like to present a paper, please also send an abstract (400 words) on a topic related to the theme.
Successful candidates will be informed as soon as possible.




Seminars will meet Monday through Thursday (4 hours a day). You can either choose to study for four days or you can also participate and attend a 3-day International Congress at the end of the summer course.

A key feature of the IFES Summer School is the out-of-class learning which will be an integral part of each module. All International Summer students and professors will stay in a 4 star hotel with swimming pool, near the heart of the city.
The programme fee includes all tuition costs, your own private room with bathroom, a comprehensive orientation and social activities.

BLOCK 1 (23-28 June) – Summer School – Room & Board: 550€/person*
BLOCK 2 (27-30 June) – Conference – Room & Board: 390€/person*
BLOCK 1 & 2 (23-30 June) – Summer School & Conference – Room & Board: 695€/person*
BLOCK 3 (27-30 June) – Conference – Without Room & Board: 100€/person
* Early payment discount. Payments must be made before 1st May 2019

Academic Board:
Mátyás Szalay (Director), Marcelo López Cambronero, Artur Mrówczynski – Van Allen

Academic Advisory Board:
Rocco Buttiglione, Carmina Chapp, Rocío Daga, Ildefonso Fernández-Figares, Rodrigo Guerra, Balázs Mezei, Jarosław Jagiełło, Michał Łuczewski, Alison Milbank, John Milbank, Timothy Mosteller, Teresa Obolevitch, Kirsten Pinto-Gfroerer, Enrique Rico Pavés, Aaron Riches, Zbigniew Stawrowski, David Widdicombe.

Eva Martínez García

With kind regards,

Eva Martínez García
Instituto de Filosofía Edith Stein-Academia Internacional de Filosofía
Paseo de Cartuja, 49. 18011 (Granada) España
Tel: +34 958 160 978
Fax: +34 958 185 023

For more information and to register, click here [1].

For a full dossier on the International Summer School, click here [3] [PDF].

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