Call for Papers for the edited volume
“Slavoj Žižek and Christianity”
Editors: Dr Sotiris Mitralexis & Dr Dionysios Skliris
We would like to invite scholars interested in the Žižekian work’s relationship to Christianity or Christian theology to submit a scholarly article/book chapter for inclusion in the upcoming academic volume entitled Slavoj Žižek and Christianity. While this volume cannot but be interdisciplinary in nature, and this is most welcome, the editors aim at a primary categorization of the volume under “philosophy” (rather than, for example, social studies or theology).
Slavoj Žižek’s critical engagement with Christian theology goes way beyond his seminal monograph The Fragile Absolute, or his The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, or his discussion with noted theologian John Milbank, The Monstrosity of Christ: Paradox or Dialectic? (as well as substantial parts of The Parallax View). His reading of Christianity as expounded in his voluminous hitherto oeuvre, uniting elements of Lacanian psychoanalysis and Hegelian philosophy as well as modern and contemporary philosophical currents, has a rightful claim to originality. Far from being an outright rejection of Christian thought and intellectual heritage, Žižek’s work could be seen as a perverse (or “decaffeinated”) affirmation thereof, which could perhaps include elements that would be of interest to Christian theology itself. This volume focuses on these aspects of Slavoj Žižek’s thought and, either with philosophy and cultural theory or with Christian theology serving as starting points of enquiry, unites a variety of different approaches to the broad thematic area that is circumscribed by this comparison—from Hegelianism and psychoanalysis to social theory and cultural studies.
Those interested in contributing to this volume should take heed of the following:
For the peer-reviewed selection process, please send to no later than April 1, 2016, one DOC(X) or RTF file consisting of the following:
- On the first page, a 200-words abstract of your proposed book chapter, along with your name and affiliation, and a word count estimation of the final book chapter.
- Starting from the second page, an academic CV including a publication list, and
- a writing sample, i.e. a published (or accepted for publication) journal article or a thesis chapter, not necessarily related to this volume’s thematic area.
As soon as the book chapters have been selected on the basis of paper abstracts, the book proposal will be submitted to international academic publishing houses.
For the second stage, i.e. the submission of book chapters for publication by the authors that have been selected, please follow the following guidelines closely and submit your article to [1] no later than July 30, 2016.
Guidelines, formatting etc:
- Microsoft Word or RTF
- Single-spaced, justified, 12 pt Times New Roman for the main text and 10 pt Times New Roman for footnotes.
- Where applicable, please render Greek words with Greek characters (Times New Roman).
- Include your name, e-mail address and affiliation just below the title.
- Total length, including footnotes, approximately 6000-9000 words.
- Citations and bibliography: accurate application of the Chicago Manual of Style, “notes and bibliography” system [2] —please follow the Chicago Manual of Style for all relevant matters including punctuation. Use double quotation marks for all cases (including single words) except for quotes within quotes.
- Word processor footnotes rather than endnotes.
- Include a “Works Cited” bibliography at the end.
- To ensure that there are no extra spaces in the document, use your software’s Find and Replace command to substitute all double spaces for single spaces. Repeat this procedure until no double spaces are found.
- When using m-dashes, do not leave any spaces before or after the mdash, e.g. trying to be—assuming it works—some kind of nobility… Also, do not use m-dashes with other sorts of dashes.
- US rather than UK spelling; please proofread your chapter prior to submission.
- Non-native speakers of English should have their text corrected by a native speaker.