We’ve had a few items sent our way recently, and wanted to highlight them here.
- Philosophy Infographics: History of Philosphy [1] & History of Eastern Philososphy [2].
- Video of faculty panel on war [3] with Dean Hays, Professors Amy Laura Hall and Stanley Hauerwas.
- There’s currently an opening for Lecturer in the Study of Religion at Durham University [4]. Closing date is 15 December 2014.
- For those with a political theology focus, there’s also an opening for Duncan Forrester CTPI Postdoctoral Fellow [5] at the University of Edinburgh [source [6]].
- From Eerdmans Publishing: “Five Great New Books for AAR & SBL 2014 [7].” [source [8]]
- Tijdschrift voor Theologie: Essay Prize for Theology and Contemporary Culture 2014 [9] (deadline 1 April 2015). [source [10]]
- New Journal to launch in 2015: International Journal of Christianity and Education [11] (a merging/incorporation of Journal of Education & Christian Belief + Journal of Christian Education).
Know of anything else news-worthy that we should know about? If so, please submit it through our News Submission form here [12].