- CENTRE of THEOLOGY and PHILOSOPHY - http://theologyphilosophycentre.co.uk -

New Book Series: Theology and Philosophy

Theology and Philosophy

www.pickeringchatto.com/theophil [1]

Series Editors: Craig Bartholomew, Alan Mittleman, and Meena Sharify-Funk

The aim of this new monograph series is to promote work at the interface of theology and philosophy. It attempts to both foreground and explore their inter-relationship, showcasing examples of constructive engagement between the two. The series publishes work that engages sacred texts in theological-philosophical dialogue, with a critical focus on the foundations of both theology and philosophy. We are currently seeking proposals for monographs and essay collections. The scope of the series includes all religious traditions.

Details on how to submit a proposal are on the website: http://www.pickeringchatto.com/publish/send-us-a-proposal [2]

We are always happy to discuss project ideas. Please contact the Commissioning Assistant, Sophie Rudland, srudland@pickeringchatto.co.uk [3] or one of the Series Editors. You can also follow Sophie on twitter @CommissioningSR [4]

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