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Just published: Radical Orthodoxy: Theology, Philosophy, Politics (Vol. 2, No. 1)

[1]Radical Orthodoxy:
Theology, Philosophy, Politics

Vol. 2, Number 1. January 2014


Cynthia Nielsen
“Foucault’s Polyphonic Genealogies and Rethinking Episteme Change via Musical Metaphors”

Peter John McGregor
“The ‘Spiritual Christology’ of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI: An Exposition and Analysis of its Principles”

Nathan Jennings
“Divine Economy, Divine Liturgy: Liturgical Theology as a Retrieval of Figural Interpretation”

Paul Tyson
“Can Modern Science be Theologically Salvaged? Reflections on Conor Cunningham’s Theological and Metaphysical Evaluation of Modern Evolutionary Biology”

David Wilmington
“Adorno’s Culture Industry: An Anthropological Critique”


Neil Turnbull
“The New Politics of Association: An Interview with Maurice Glasman”

Review Essay

William Christian Hackett
“What’s the Use of a Skeleton Key for Christian Theology?: A Report on an Essential Problematic in Kathryn Tanner’s Christ the Key

Read the current issue here [1].

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