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Two Study Days at the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University

The Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, is hosting two Study Days:

The Theology and Practice of Prayer in the Catholic Tradition
A Study Day for Clergy, Laity and Students of Theology
Saturday 15 March, 2014

Postgraduate Study Day: Catholicism and Critical Theory
Monday 28 April, 2014

All are welcome to attend. Details of both study days are below. Please advertise these events and pass on the details through your own networks.

Post-graduate Study Day
Hosted by the Centre for Catholic Studies
Catholicism & Critical Theory
Monday 28th April, 2014

Keynote Speakers

  • Julie Clague (Glasgow)
  • Prof Johannes Hoff (Heythrop)

The Debating Chamber, Palace Green
Durham University

£22 with buffet lunch
£15 without buffet lunch

CALL FOR PAPERS: Postgraduates are invited to submit proposals for 20 minute papers in any aspect of contemporary Catholic theology and/or Catholic studies.

To book, or for more information, please contact Dr Michael Canaris:
michael.canaris@durham.ac.uk [1] Tel: 0191 334 3968

This post-graduate study day is one of a series that is being jointly organised by: the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University; the School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow; the Digby Stuart Research Centre, University of Roehampton; Heythrop College, University of London; the Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge; St Mary’s University College, Twickenham, and Saint Patrick’s College Maynooth, in association with the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain.

The Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University
in association with
The Newman Association
The Departments of Spirituality, Formation, and Education of the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle
and The National Board of Catholic Women
are hosting
“The Theology and Practice of
Prayer in Catholic Tradition:
A Study Day for Clergy, Laity, and Students of Theology”

Saturday 15 March, 9.15am-5.45pm

Ushaw College, Durham DH7 9RH

Including a launch celebration for Eamon Duffy’s book,
The Heart of Pilgrimage: A Prayerbook for Catholic Christians


  • Prof Eamon Duffy
  • Prof Karen Kilby
  • Prof Paul D Murray
  • Sr Avril O’Regan RLR
  • Kathryn Turner

All are welcome. Pre-booking is essential.

The cost is £50 per person and includes a buffet lunch and refreshments. A limited number of concessions are available to students and those on low income.

To book, or for further details, please contact Michael Canaris michael.canaris@durham.ac.uk [1] or call 0191 334 3968

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