International Symposium on Saint Maximus the Confessor
Belgrade, October 18-21, 2012
The conference is organized by the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade, in collaboration with the Orthodox Christian Studies Program of Fordham University, the Chair of Orthodox Theology of Münster University, Pontifical Lateran University.
The Department of Patristic Studies of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade in Serbia is organizing an International Symposium on Saint Maximus the Confessor in Belgrade, October 18-21, 2012, commemorating the 1350th year since his repose in 662.
The goal of the symposium is to highlight those elements and aspects of Saint Maximus’s teaching that are relevant for our time, especially the theological, philosophical, psychological and other questions it raises.
A number of areas present themselves as interesting foci for the conference: theology, anthropology, hermeneutics, philosophy, science, eschatology, human physis, freedom, otherness, person, gender, psychology, biology, cosmology, physics, modern and ancient philosophy.
Featured Speakers:
Demetrios Barthrelos, Grigory Benevich, Calinic Berger, Paul Blowers, David Bradshaw, Adam Cooper, Brian Daley, Petar Jevremović, Bishop Atanasije (Jevtić), Jean-Claud Larchet, Joshua Lollar, Andrew Louth, Maximos of Simonopetra, Pascal Mueller-Jourdan, Bishop Ignatije (Midić), John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Alexei Nesteruk, George Parsenios, Torstein Tollefsen, Athanasios, Vletsis, Aristotle Papanikolau, Fr Philipp Gabriel Renczes, George Varvatsoulias, Bishop Maksim (Vasiljević), Christos Yannaras, Metropolitan John (Zizioulas).
Be sure to check out the schedule [1] and registration [2] information.
Please e-mail us [3] with questions.
See the main conference website here [4].