[1]The Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain in conjunction with the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham presents:
“Living Liturgy – Living Languages: The Tasks of Translating the Liturgy”
A one-day seminar, 10.30am-16.30pm, on Saturday 28th April 2012
Speakers: Prof P Bradshaw (Notre Dame), Dr T Whelan (Milltown), Dr J Day (Helsinki),
Prof T O’Loughlin (Nottingham), Dr P Rumsey (Sarum)
Venue: Poor Clare Monastery, 102 Galley Lane, Barnet EN5 4AN
Booking: email poorclare102@gmail.com [2] (or write to the above address)
Cost (including lunch): £35/£15 (students and unwaged)
Download a flyer for the event here [3].