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NDIAS Conference: Conceptions of Truth and the Unity of Knowledge

Conceptions of Truth and the Unity of Knowledge

Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study

12-14 April 2012

This international conference, hosted by the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study, will focus on the nature of truth.  It is planned for April 12-14, 2012, on the campus of the University of Notre Dame. Leading experts will address challenging questions related to the subject of “truth” from the perspective of their disciplines. The conference will include interdisciplinary discussion of ideas presented as well as less formal opportunities for scholarly discourse and interaction. Truth is one of the three major values—beauty, goodness, and truth—that inspire the Institute.

Speakers and titles of presentations can be found here [1].

Annual conferences at the NDIAS are collegial, engaging, and involve presenters as active discussants and contributors. Each session includes a 35-minute presentation, followed by 25 minutes of discussion. Past presenters have discovered that this interdisciplinary approach, a departure from conferences in some disciplines, provides a unique opportunity to engage other leading scholars in ways that transcend disciplinary boundaries and nurture new perspectives and ideas as well as innovative approaches to one’s research.

Please click here [2] for registration, travel, and hotel information.

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