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2012 Firth Lectures: Terry Eagleton, Live Stream today

Terry-EagletonThe Firth Memorial Lectureship was founded by the Reverend John d’ewe Evelyn Firth in memory of his father, John Benjamin Firth, Historian of Nottingham and his mother Helena Gertrude Firth. The lecturer is appointed biennially by the Council of the University on the recommendation of the Senate of the University, and under the terms of the Trust he delivers a public lecture or lectures on some aspect of the Christian Faith in relation to contemporary problems.

The first person to hold the Lectureship was the renowned theologian Paul Tillich and there has been a series of eminent theologians and philosophers who have included among others Baroness Warnock and Professor Jϋrgen Moltmann.

2012 Firth Lectures

Professor Terry Eagleton – ‘Culture and the Death of God’
Tuesday 14 February and Wednesday 15 February, 5.30pm
Studio 7, Kings Meadow Campus

The 2012 Firth Lectures will be streamed on the internet from 5.30pm [GMT].  An edited version of the live stream will be available later.

Professor Tom O’Loughlin, of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Nottingham, said: “For several decades Terry Eagleton has been at the forefront of critical theory in literature and culture, and has also address the intersection of culture and religion in our society. These lifelong interests are reflected in the title Prof. Eagleton has given to his Firth Lectures: culture and the death of God. At a time when the government is calling for a greater involvement of faith groups in the Big Society, these lectures are both timely and significant.”

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