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Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse

[1]Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse
(18-20 July 2012)

A conference organised by the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Bergen, Norway; funded by the Bergen Research Foundation through the ‘Modernism and Christianity’ research project.

The modernist imperative ‘Make it new!’ posits a break with traditional artistic forms, but also with the entire mould of a civilization felt to be in a state of terminal decay (‘an old bitch, gone in the teeth’, as a second dictum by Ezra Pound has it). Modernism was steeped in the language of apocalyptic crisis, generating multiple (and contradictory) millennial visions of artistic, cultural, religious and political transformation. This conference will examine the continuing impact of Christianity upon the modernist thinking of Apocalypse in Western culture, covering the period of early-to-high modernism (c. 1880-1945), with glances towards the immediate aftermath of World War II and the Bomb. ‘Modernism’ is not here confined to the arts, and contributions are invited from scholars across the humanities and social sciences.

Conference organisers:
Dr Erik Tonning
Dr Matthew Feldman

Professor Paul S. Fiddes (University of Oxford)
Professor John Milbank (University of Nottingham)
Professor Hans Ottomeyer (Former Director of the German Historical Museum)
Professor Marjorie Perloff (Stanford University)

Professor C. J. Ackerley (University of Otago)
Professor Mary Bryden (University of Reading)
Professor Gregory Maertz (St. John’s University, NY)
Dr Malise Ruthven (Independent writer)
Professor Shane Weller (University of Kent)

For a full CFP, see:
Conference venue: Hotel Solstrand (outside Bergen, Norway)
Conference fee (early bird rate): NOK 3700: This covers two nights at the hotel with full board, plus a
direct conference bus (at c. 11 am) to the hotel from Flesland airport (18th), with a return on Friday afternoon (20th, at 4 pm). There is also a postgraduate rate of NOK 3200 available.

PLEASE NOTE: Registration at this rate is limited to 75 delegates. Once this number of delegates has been reached (first come first served), additional registrations will cost NOK 4400. All delegates registering after 1 May 2012 will also be charged at this higher rate. Early registration is thus strongly recommended.

Please submit your abstract by 1 April 2012 at the latest.

To register: Please send your title, abstract (100-200 words) and
biographical information to erik.tonning@if.uib.no for consideration.

Download Conference Poster here [2].

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